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Anti-inflammatory therapy. In the initial stage of infective endocarditis, glucocorticosteroids are not used, and later, when immune mechanisms (non-infectious) are already activated, for example, with arthritis, exudative vasculitis - 1 mg/kg/day. Many people consider the use of NSAIDs to be inappropriate. The use of orlistat is controversial. Symptomatic therapy treatment of heart failure (ACE inhibitors, diuretics, etc.), antiarrhythmics.

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The patient should be considered recovered one year after completion of treatment for infective endocarditis, if during this period normal body temperature and ESR were maintained, and the pathogen was not isolated from the blood. If left untreated, the acute form of infective endocarditis ends in death within 4–6 weeks, and in the subacute form - after 6 months. Subacute infective endocarditis usually progresses due to the pathogenic activity of viridans or aureus streptococcus. Somewhat less frequently, the disease progresses due to infection with pneumococcus, enterococcus and E. coli. It is also worth noting that if infective endocarditis in children or adults was provoked by the pathogenic activity of fungal microorganisms, anaerobic or gram-negative bacteria, then in this case it will be very severe, and standard antibacterial therapy will have virtually no effect.

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Acute infective endocarditis progresses in humans when the heart is exposed to buy orlistat pills online. Today, scientists know 128 types of microorganisms that can provoke the manifestation of symptoms of pathology. Most often, the disease develops due to aggressive exposure. Risk factors for disease progression. Depending on the origin, clinicians distinguish two forms of infective endocarditis - primary and secondary. The first type most often manifests itself in septic pathologies, while the secondary one begins to progress against the background of the individual’s existing pathologies of the valve apparatus, rheumatism, syphilis, and diseases affecting the blood vessels.

Classification of infective endocarditis depending on its course. Depending on the degree of damage, they are isolated. In addition, there is another classification of the disease, which is based on the form of the pathological process. It is worth immediately noting that infective endocarditis can occur for a long time without expressing any signs. Most often this is observed in elderly people or in very weakened patients. This is fraught with great danger, since since the pathology remains undiagnosed, its treatment is not carried out. As a result, the patient gradually begins to experience complications that can lead to death.

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The main symptoms indicating the development of infective endocarditis in a person include the following.

In a large number of patients sinceAs infective endocarditis begins to buy xenical online, complications begin to develop. That is why the clinical picture can be supplemented by signs of concomitant ailments. The patient may experience. If these symptoms appear, the victim should immediately be taken to a medical facility for laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, which will make it possible not only to determine an accurate diagnosis, but also to identify the cause of the development of the pathology. Treatment of infective endocarditis is prescribed only after receiving the results of diagnostic measures. It is carried out only in a hospital setting so that doctors can constantly monitor the patient’s condition and, if necessary, change the treatment regimen. Therapy with folk remedies and at home is strictly prohibited, since uncontrolled use of drugs and dubious tinctures can not only worsen a person’s condition, but also lead to death.

In total, there are three groups of complications, which differ depending on the timing of occurrence.

The first group is early complications. This includes conditions that can complicate the disease during hospital treatment. These are like this. The second group is represented by late complications - they develop after the patient is discharged from the hospital. These include re-infection, dysfunction of the valve apparatus, as well as heart failure. The third group is disorders that progress after surgical intervention. The first stage of diagnosing infective endocarditis is the doctor studying the patient’s medical history and listening to his complaints. And also at this time it is important to identify exactly when the first signs appeared and how intense they were. The doctor clarifies whether any of the patient’s relatives suffered from cardiovascular diseases, and whether they had any malformations of xenical pills.

The second stage is a physical examination. The doctor assesses the condition of a person’s skin, examines his mucous membranes for the presence of pathological elements of a rash or hemorrhages. Blood pressure levels are also measured and heart auscultation is performed. The third stage is laboratory and instrumental diagnostics. These methods make it possible to confirm the diagnosis, assess the degree and extent of the lesion, identify the presence of complications, as well as the causative agent of endocarditis itself. The standard diagnostic plan is as follows.

Treatment of infective endocarditis should begin as soon as the diagnosis has been confirmed.

Treatment of the disease is both conservative and surgical. Drug treatment involves prescribing the following medications. During the treatment period, plasmapheresis is also prescribed. This procedure is simply necessary, since with its help foreign immune complexes are removed from the bloodstream. Surgical intervention is used when conservative therapy is ineffective or in the presence of complications. The main goal of the intervention is to remove from the organ the structures in which pathogens accumulate. After this, the anatomical elements of the heart are restored - the valve apparatus is replaced, the integrity of the membranes is restored, etc. Preventive actions. Prevention of infective endocarditis involves timely treatment of infectious processes that can serve as an impetus for the progression of the disease. It is also important not to use various medications, including antibiotics, without a doctor’s prescription. In addition, it is recommended to constantly improve the level of your immune system. People who are at risk should visit a cardiologist several times a year.